Remote workers and Insurance
Written by Jay Campbell on June. 20th 2022
Remote workers have become a massive staple for business over the past couple years due to the pandemic.

Many workers faced hard time as the pandemic rolled in.  This caused for alot of companies to find solutions to their business situation created by the pandemic.  Since in-person business suffered the greatest, companies that were product heavy had to adapt to survive, and their employees had to change as well.  The result was a huge increase of remote employees handling business from their own homes.  This change created a new chance for business growth alongside career expansion.  However, it also created a new need for external benefits, mainly Health and Life.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has become a new reality for the majority of people today. Nearly 70% of full-time employees switched to remote work. And according to a recent FlexJobs study, 65% of respondents wish to continue working full-time from home after the lockdown.

At Intrepid Benefit Solutions, we recognized that with the new freedom of working from home came the lack of some corporate benefits.  This was partly due to scheduling and the amount of hours remote workers attained.  Although some were full time, a large number of remote workers were part time.  One of the benefits and drawbacks of having a more open schedule from the comfort of one's own home.

Due to the less hours, alot of remote employees don't qualify for health or life insurance through their employers.  Luckily they do qualify for a large amount of coverages through the assistance of Intrepid Benefit Solutions

Jay Campbell

Owner of Intrepid Benefit solutions- licensed agent - Helps remote workers, gig economists, and content creators find health and Life benefits.
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