About Intrepid Benefit Solutions
Intrepid Benefit Solutions is a company based upon the idea that health and life insurance should be available and affordable to everyone in every career path. Whether you are starting your own business, moving to your new dream job, or are just wanting to get away from your current employer, Intrepid Benefit Solutions has many affordable options for you. 

Intrepid Benefit Solutions was created by Jay Campbell, Holly Quinn, and Eric Danz. Each of these individuals came from varying backgrounds and experiences. Desiring to break free from  past employers, we created Intrepid Benefit Solutions because we recognized a situation; we each had a fear of losing our current benefits and the security provided by those benefits. This fear prevented us from pursuing our desired occupations. That was our light bulb moment! If we are experiencing this, how many others are in the same situation? How many other people feel stuck in a job, unable to pursue their dream careers due to that same fear? With our combined efforts, Intrepid Benefit Solutions now aids individuals in eliminating that fear. 

"I felt comfort in the security of my job. However, I was uncomfortable with management, I was uncomfortable with scheduling, and I was frustrated due the overwhelming amount of work in comparison to the ability to grow at my job. My pay was not increasing as my workload did. Promises of promotions were not being upheld and I wanted to break free, however, I did not want to lose my health insurance. Using my past experience with insurance, I pursued an answer and an escape. I'm very thankful to have found Holly and Eric as they have allowed me this great opportunity and the ability to help others!" - Jay Campbell

"I worked in healthcare for 15 years. I did enjoy my job - at first. When the pandemic hit, suddenly I was working 16 hour days, my workload was doubled and my pay never increased. There was no end in sight. I wanted to have a life! People were leaving healthcare right and left and that left the rest of us short staffed and exhausted. I was ready to leave when I found a love for marketing, but what about my health insurance? What about my employer funded life insurance? Once I met up with Jay and Eric we realized we all had the same problem, we decided instead of searching and searching for the solution, we would create it! Since then, I have never been happier because I get to work the job I want, have the benefits I need that are affordable for me, and I can help others do the same." -Holly Quinn
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